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Author Archive | Stephen Elliott

Figure 1: The "Eye Bridge"

The Six Bridges, Body I/O, and Conscious Influence Over Autonomic Function

In 2004, I introduced the concept of the “bridge.” Since that time, this author and others have been working with bridges to understand their significance in facilitating conscious influence of the body/mind. Humans, in fact vertebrate life in general, interact with the environment via fifteen bodily functions or “interfaces”. These input/output functions include the eyes, […]

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Key Recommendations - Page 2 (click to enlarge)

2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans – An Overview

The numbers are sobering… In a nutshell, two thirds of American adults are eating the wrong foods and are not exercising. Due to socioeconomic constraints, 15% of American households don’t have access to needed food and nutrition. This article includes links to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines For Americans and the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for […]

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Mind Body Practices Affect Health At The Cellular Level Via Gene Expression

“Mind body” practices affect gene expression – these are the findings of Herbert Benson M.D. and William Proctor J.D., reported in their recent book: Relaxation Revolution: Enhancing Your Personal Health Through the Science and Genetics of Mind Body Healing. Included in this article is a link to an NPR radio broadcast that discusses Dr. Bensen’s […]

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Figure 4: Spurious heart rate in the absence of rhythmic respiration

COHERENCE – The Big Picture

In physics, “coherence” is a complex measure of wave phenomena. Specifically, its a measure of the correlation between all of the physical properties of waves, e.g., amplitude, phase, and frequency. If two perfectly “coherent” waves collide, waves that are exact in every respect, they will negate each other perfectly, this “stationary interference” being proof positive […]

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Microsoft PowerPoint - Presentation1.ppt

Researchers Examine Correlation Between Blood Pressure And Heart Rate Variability

Hypertension is one of the most common health concerns in the U.S. The National Institutes of Health estimates that 50 million or more Americans have high blood pressure, and a dramatic rise is anticipated as the baby boomer generation moves into maturity. Also by their estimate, worldwide prevalence of hypertension may exceed 1 billion. The […]

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