Ice cold, hard and emotionless. Such is the psychopath – we think. Until we get a glimpse behind the mask. Researchers have for decades been almost unanimous in their accord with the popular perception that psychopaths are made in a certain way, and will forever remain that way.
Archive | Personality
The Brains Of Psychopathic Prisoners Show Differences In Structure And Function
Images of prisoners’ brains show important differences between those who are diagnosed as psychopaths and those who aren’t, according to a new study led by University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers. The results could help explain the callous and impulsive anti-social behavior exhibited by some psychopaths.
Children’s Anxiety And Depression Halved When Parenting Is Styled To Personality
When it comes to rearing children, just about any parent will say that what works with one kid might not work with another. Parents use all sorts of strategies to keep kids from being cranky, grumpy, fearful or moody, while encouraging them to be independent and well-adjusted. But which parenting styles work best with which […]
Quitting Smoking Enhances Positive Personality Changes
University of Missouri researchers have found evidence that shows those who quit smoking show improvements in their overall personality. “The data indicate that for some young adults smoking is impulsive,” said Andrew Littlefield, a doctoral student in the Department of Psychology in the College of Arts and Science. “That means that 18-year-olds are acting without […]
Sexual Anxiety And Specific Personality Traits Are Strong Predictors Of Infidelity
People with sexual performance anxiety are more likely to cheat on their partners. That is just one of the curious findings of a new study by a University of Guelph professor on the factors that predict infidelity. Men who are risk-takers or easily sexually aroused are also more likely to wander; for women, relationship issues […]
Emotional Stability, Extraversion, Conscientiousness And A Sense Of Mastery Are Important Predictors Of Self-Esteem
Self-esteem increases during adolescence, then slows in young adulthood, but contrary to popular belief, there is no significant difference between men’s and women’s self-esteem during either of those life phases, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. The publisher made the full-text study available for an unknown length of time; check the end […]
Personality Plays Important Role In Maintenance Of Body Weight Over Time
People with personality traits of high neuroticism and low conscientiousness are likely to go through cycles of gaining and losing weight throughout their lives, according to an examination of 50 years of data in a study published by the American Psychological Association. The publisher made the original study available for free for an undetermined length […]
Children’s Personalities Linked To Their Chemical Response To Family Stress
Is your kid a “dove” – cautious and submissive when confronting new environments, or perhaps you have a “hawk” – bold and assertive in unfamiliar settings? These basic temperamental patterns are linked to opposite hormonal responses to stress – differences that may provide children with advantages for navigating threatening environments, researchers report in a study […]
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