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Archive | Psychophysiology

a women with a cane walking down the street

Depression Can Lead To Heart Disease

Depression may have more far-reaching consequences than previously believed. Recent data suggests that individuals who suffer from a mood disorder could be twice as likely to have a heart attack compared to individuals who are not depressed. This process has been poorly understood — until now. A new study led by Concordia University has found […]

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Nervous System Activity May Predict Successful Weight Loss

A recent study of obese volunteers participating in a 12-week dietary weight-loss program found that successful weight losers had significantly higher resting nerve activity compared to weight-loss resistant individuals. The study was accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM).

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man staring you down

Oxytocin Enhances Approach-Related Emotions, Not Just Cuddling, With A Call For Caution In Its Use in Psychiatry

For a hormone, oxytocin is pretty famous. It is the “cuddle chemical”—the hormone that helps mothers bond with their babies. Salespeople can buy oxytocin spray on the internet, to make their clients trust them. It’s known for promoting positive feelings, but more recent research has found that oxytocin can promote negative emotions, too. The authors […]

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Ambulatory monitoring of panic attacks

Out-Of-The-Blue Panic Attacks Are Not Without Warning – The Body Sends Signals For An Hour Before

Panic attacks that seem to strike sufferers out-of-the-blue are not without warning after all, according to new research. A study based on 24-hour monitoring of panic sufferers while they went about their daily activities captured panic attacks as they happened and discovered waves of significant physiological instability for at least 60 minutes before patients’ awareness […]

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a women exercising

Yoga Boosts Stress-Busting Hormone And Reduces Pain

A new study by York University researchers finds that practicing yoga reduces the physical and psychological symptoms of chronic pain in women with fibromyalgia. The study is the first to look at the effects of yoga on cortisol levels in women with fibromyalgia. The condition, which predominantly affects women, is characterized by chronic pain and […]

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Mayer and staff

UCLA Opens Expanded Center To Study Mind-Brain-Body Links In Chronic Medical Disorders

Investigators at UCLA’s Center for Neurobiology of Stress have been studying the links between the brain and digestive system in the development and treatment of common chronic digestive disorders in adults and children. Now, with the support of the Gerald Oppenheimer Family Foundation, the center will expand its activities to include research into brain-body interactions […]

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