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Tag Archives | Exercise

older women who is exercising

Exercise Results In Modest Reduction In Depressive Symptoms For Patients With Chronic Heart Failure

Patients with chronic heart failure who participated in exercise training had modest reductions in symptoms of depression after 12 months, compared with usual care, according to a study in the August 1 issue of JAMA. The study was carried out by James A. Blumenthal, Ph.D., of Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C., and colleagues.

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two men running

Exercise Not Only Safe For Those With Asthma, Physical Activity Is Recommended

Not only is it safe for people with asthma to exercise, but doing so could reduce their risk of asthma symptoms or attacks, according to a new evidence review in The Cochrane Library.  Many people with asthma report avoiding exercise because they are afraid it could trigger symptoms including shortness of breath, wheezing or a […]

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a man jogging outside

Regular Jogging Leads To Dramatic Increase In Life Expectancy

Undertaking regular jogging increases the life expectancy of men by 6.2 years and women by 5.6 years, reveals the latest data from the Copenhagen City Heart study presented at the EuroPRevent2012 meeting. Reviewing the evidence of whether jogging is healthy or hazardous, Peter Schnohr told delegates that the study’s most recent analysis (unpublished) shows that […]

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