Health care professionals do a better job helping people quit smoking when they are trained in smoking cessation techniques, a new Cochrane Library review finds.

Health care professionals do a better job helping people quit smoking when they are trained in smoking cessation techniques, a new Cochrane Library review finds.
Male doctors make more money than their female counterparts, even when factoring in medical specialty, title, work hours, productivity and a host of other factors, according to a comprehensive new analysis from researchers at the University of Michigan Health System and Duke University.
Primary care providers fail to recognize anxiety disorders in two-thirds of patients with symptoms, reports a new study in General Hospital Psychiatry. “Anxiety is a very common condition in general practice. Patients with physical health problems and other mental disorders often have anxiety,” says the study’s lead author Anna Fernandez, Ph.D., a psychologist and researcher […]
Patients who feel that their physicians treat them with respect and fairness, communicate well and engage with them outside of the office setting are more active in their own health care, finds a new study published in the journal Health Services Research. The study looked at how role relationships between patients and their physicians, which […]
A new analysis of national survey data finds that less than one-quarter of parents of overweight children recall ever being told by a doctor or other health care provider that their children were overweight. And although that percentage has increased over the last 10 years, more improvement is needed, said Eliana M. Perrin, MD, MPH, […]
The American College of Physicians (ACP) today told the 112th Congress to “go big” by reforming Medicare payments, including enacting a permanent end to scheduled Medicare sustainable growth rate (SGR) physician payment cuts. The urgent need for Congress to act was demonstrated by today’s release of a Medicare final rule, announcing a 27.4 percent across-the-board […]
A survey of U.S. primary care physicians shows that many believe that their own patients are receiving too much medical care and many feel that malpractice reform, realignment of financial incentives and having more time with patients could reduce pressures on physicians to do more than they feel is needed, according to a report in […]
In a study that included nearly three-fourths of all internal medicine residents in the U.S. in a recent academic year, suboptimal quality-of-life and dissatisfaction with work-life balance were commonly reported, as were burnout symptoms of emotional exhaustion, which were associated with higher levels of educational debt, according to a study in the September 7 issue […]
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