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Tag Archives | FMRI

Road Map to Alzheimer’s Disease

The Roadmap To Alzheimer’s Disease Begins – Initial Findings Indicate That Varying Brain Activity May Reduce The Risk

Activity lingers longer in certain areas of the brain in those with Alzheimer’s disease than it does in healthy people, Mayo Clinic researchers who created a map of the brain found. The results suggest varying brain activity may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Included in this report is a video summary of the study […]

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MRI of the brain

Brain Structure Helps Guide Behavior By Anticipating Changing Demands

Every day the human brain is presented with tasks ranging from the trivial to the complex. How much mental effort and attention are devoted to each task is usually determined in a split second and without conscious awareness. Now a study from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) researchers finds that a structure deep within the brain, […]

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Researcher Roland Zahn

More Evidence That Freud Was Right: Brain Scans Show Guilt Plays Key Role In Depression

Scientists have shown that the brains of people with depression respond differently to feelings of guilt – even after their symptoms have subsided. University of Manchester researchers found that the brain scans of people with a history of depression differed in the regions associated with guilt and knowledge of socially acceptable behaviour from individuals who […]

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an anxious man

FMRI Brain Scans Show That Sleep Deprivation Can Lead To Higher Anticipatory Anxiety

New research shows that sleep loss markedly exaggerates the degree to which we anticipate impending emotional events, particularly among highly anxious people, who are especially vulnerable. Two common features of anxiety disorders are sleep loss and an amplification of emotional response. Results from the new study suggest that these features may not be independent of […]

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MRI of the brain

Maltreated Children Show Same Pattern Of Brain Activity As Combat Soldiers

Children exposed to family violence show the same pattern of activity in their brains as soldiers exposed to combat, new research has shown. In the first functional MRI brain scan study to investigate the impact of physical abuse and domestic violence on children, scientists at UCL in collaboration with the Anna Freud Centre, found that […]

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FMRI of the brain during meditation

Brain Imaging Helps To Explain How The Brain Benefits From Meditation

Experienced meditators seem to be able switch off areas of the brain associated with daydreaming, as well as psychiatric disorders, such as autism and schizophrenia, according to a new brain imaging study by Yale researchers. Meditation’s ability to help people stay focused on the moment has been associated with increased happiness levels, said Judson A. […]

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a mother who is stressed out

Depression And Anxiety Are Triggered By Combination Of Environmental, Psychological, And Genetic Factors

roblems like anxiety and depression are caused by psychological and environmental factors, and are known to be influenced by genetic proclivities. However, it is still not clear how each factor affects the brain’s functions to induce anxious and depressive symptoms. To shed light on these interactions, a team from the Centre Émotion-Remédiation et Réalité Virtuelle […]

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