Researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have published pioneering research showing that a drug used to treat certain types of lymphoma was able to dislodge hidden virus in patients receiving treatment for HIV. The study was published in the July 25 issue of the leading scientific journal, Nature.
Archive | Immunology
Researchers Explain What Happens When We Sunburn
The biological mechanism of sunburn – the reddish, painful, protective immune response from ultraviolet (UV) radiation – is a consequence of RNA damage to skin cells, report researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and elsewhere in the July 8, 2012 Advance Online Publication of Nature Medicine.
Serotonin And Happiness Are Regulated By Gut Bacteria
University of College Cork (UCC) scientists have shown that brain levels of serotonin, the ‘happy hormone,’ are regulated by the amount of bacteria in the gut during early life. Their research is being published today in the leading international psychiatry journal, Molecular Psychiatry.
Childhood Adversity Increases Risk For Depression And Chronic Inflammation
When a person injures their knee, it becomes inflamed. When a person has a cold, their throat becomes inflamed. This type of inflammation is the body’s natural and protective response to injury. Interestingly, there is growing evidence that a similar process happens when a person experiences psychological trauma. Unfortunately, this type of inflammation can be […]
Sleep Deprivation Effect On The Immune System Mirrors Physical Stress
Severe sleep loss jolts the immune system into action, reflecting the same type of immediate response shown during exposure to stress, finds a new study by researchers in the Netherlands and United Kingdom.
Western Diet Changes Gut Bacteria And Triggers Colitis In Those at Risk
Certain saturated fats that are common in the modern Western diet can initiate a chain of events leading to complex immune disorders such as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) in people with a genetic predisposition, according to a study to be published early online in the journal Nature.
Researchers Explain How The Immune System Fights Off Threats To The Brain
Like a police officer calling for backup while also keeping a strong hold on a suspected criminal, immune cells in the brain take a two-tier approach to fighting off a threat, new research from the University of Michigan Health System finds.
Gut Bacteria Control Allergic Diseases
When poet Walt Whitman wrote that we “contain multitudes,” he was speaking metaphorically, but he was correct in the literal sense. Every human being carries over 100 trillion individual bacterial cells within the intestine – ten times more cells than comprise the body itself.
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