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The Theoretical Interpretation Of Electroencephalography (EEG) Front Book Cover

The Theoretical Interpretation Of Electroencephalography (EEG) – Upcoming, New Book! Preorder Discount!

I want to alert our readers that our sister-company, BMED Press LLC, recently announced a forthcoming book release, “The Theoretical Interpretation Of Electroencephalography (EEG): The Important Role of Spontaneous Resting EEG and Vigilance” by Gerald Ulrich, M.D. This book is anticipated to ship in May 2013. For a limited time, this book can be pre-ordered […]

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soccer shoes

High Brain Integration Underlies Winning Performances Of World Class Athletes And Other Top Level Abilities

Scientists trying to understand why some people excel — whether as world-class athletes, virtuoso musicians, or top CEOs — have discovered that these outstanding performers have unique brain characteristics that make them different from other people. A study published in May in the journal Cognitive Processing found that 20 top-level managers scored higher on three […]

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EEG signal from the brain

Photosensitivity Rate Unexpectedly High With Comorbid Autism-Epilepsy

Epilepsy is common in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). A new study indicates their epilepsy is surprisingly photosensitive as well. Since photosensitive epilepsies can be triggered by flickering lights, the self-stimulatory behavior of ASD children, such as hand flapping in front of the face, has the potential to dramatically increase the risk of inducing […]

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New Study To Test Unusual Hypothesis On Beta Brainwaves With Implications For Parkinson’ Disease And OCD

Before she could seek to convince the world that her computer model of a key brain circuit explains a fundamental, 80-year-old mystery of neuroscience with potential relevance to Parkinson’s disease, Stephanie Jones sought to convince Christopher Moore. The new Brown neuroscience professors are now close collaborators, but when they first started talking about the beta […]

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FMRIs from the brainwave study

Brain Waves Control The Impact Of Noise On Sleep

During sleep, our perception of the environment decreases. However the extent to which the human brain responds to surrounding noises during sleep remains unclear. In a study published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), researchers from University of Liège (Belgium) used brain imaging to study responses to sounds during sleep. […]

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the formation of myelin

Brain Electrical Activity Spurs Insulation Of Brain’s Wiring

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health have discovered in mice a molecular trigger that initiates myelination, the process by which brain cell networks are reinforced with an insulating material called myelin that speeds their ability to transmit messages. The myelination process is an essential part of brain development. Myelin formation is necessary for brain […]

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