From a glance at the magazine stands, Americans appear obsessed with losing weight, cutting their cardiac risks and seeking to improve their odds against cancer. But where’s the focus on brain health? The brain always has been mysterious and many people seem to believe little can be done to keep it sharp or to reduce […]
Tag Archives | Relaxation
The Six Bridges, Body I/O, and Conscious Influence Over Autonomic Function
In 2004, I introduced the concept of the “bridge.” Since that time, this author and others have been working with bridges to understand their significance in facilitating conscious influence of the body/mind. Humans, in fact vertebrate life in general, interact with the environment via fifteen bodily functions or “interfaces”. These input/output functions include the eyes, […]
Cannabis Ingredient (THC) Helps Patients With Cancer Regain Appetite And Sense Of Taste
The active ingredient in cannabis can improve the appetites and sense of taste in patients with cancer according to a new study published online in the cancer journal, Annals of Oncology [1]. Loss of appetite is common among patients with cancer [2] either because the cancer itself or its treatment affects the sense of taste […]
Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Can Be As Effective As Drugs Or Counseling To Treat Mental Illness
Lifestyle changes – such as getting more exercise, spending time in nature, or helping others – can be as effective as drugs or counseling to treat an array of mental illnesses, according to a new paper published by the American Psychological Association (APA) in American Psychologist, APA’s flagship journal. The publisher made the original, full-text […]
Mind Body Practices Affect Health At The Cellular Level Via Gene Expression
“Mind body” practices affect gene expression – these are the findings of Herbert Benson M.D. and William Proctor J.D., reported in their recent book: Relaxation Revolution: Enhancing Your Personal Health Through the Science and Genetics of Mind Body Healing. Included in this article is a link to an NPR radio broadcast that discusses Dr. Bensen’s […]
Raising Pain Tolerance Using Guided Imagery (Part 2)
In Part 1 of this 2-part series, I provide an overview of pain tolerance, factors that affect pain tolerance, and assessment of clinical pain. Today’s Part 2 focuses on a detailed discussion of several guided imagery and healing techniques, such as “Mind Controlled Analgesia,” positive and negative imagery, and the importance of relaxation. Readers are […]
Tranquil Scenes Have A Positive Impact On The Brain
Tranquil living environments can positively affect the human brain function, according to researchers at the University of Sheffield. The research, which was published in the journal NeuroImage, uses functional brain imaging to assess how the environment impacts upon our brain functions. The findings demonstrated that tranquil environmental scenes containing natural features, such as the sea, […]
Integrative Body-Mind Training (IBMT) Meditation Found To Boost Brain Connectivity
Just 11 hours of learning a meditation technique induces positive structural changes in brain connectivity by boosting efficiency in a part of the brain that helps a person regulate behavior in accordance with their goals, researchers report. The technique – integrative body-mind training (IBMT) – has been the focus of intense scrutiny by a team […]
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