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Unemployment Is A Physical And Emotional Health Risk

an unemployed manCompared to people in employment, men and women who are unemployed suffer more often and longer from both physical and emotional complaints. Why the unemployed should have health problems more often is discussed by Lars E. Kroll and his coauthor in the current issue of Deutsches Ärzteblatt International along with a report on the findings of the GEDA study. The original study is available online for free. Check the end of this report for a download link.

The GEDA study (Gesundheit in Deutschland Aktuell, or Current Health in Germany) was carried out in 2008–2009 by the Robert Koch Institute. The results showed that unemployed people between the ages of 30 and 59 years are especially often affected by physical, emotional, and functional impairments such as sleep disorders, anxiety disorders, and substance addictions. As a result, the unemployed make more use of the health care system.

The health consequences of unemployment result from loss of income, loss of social contacts in the workplace, or loss of social reputation. Unemployed men and women who are supported by their partners, family members, or friends are less frequently affected by these complaints.

Material adapted from Deutsches Aerzteblatt International.

Download / Reference
Kroll, L E, & Lampert, T. Unemployment, Social Support and Health Problems: Results of the GEDA Study in Germany, 2009. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2011; 4: 47-52.

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