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Tag Archives | Physical Fitness

children in class

Physical Activity And School Performance May Be Linked

A systematic review of previous studies suggests that there may be a positive relationship between physical activity and the academic performance of children, according to a report in the January issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. The study was undertook by Amika Singh, Ph.D., of the Vrije Universiteit […]

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Researcher Martin Gibala

Brief, High-Intensity Workouts Show Promise To Help Diabetics Lower Blood Sugar

Researchers at McMaster University have found that brief high intensity workouts, as little as six sessions over two weeks, rapidly lower blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics, offering a potential fix for patients who struggle to meet exercise guidelines. The small proof-of-principle study, conducted on eight diabetics, appears in the latest edition of the Journal […]

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walking on a treadmill

Animal Study Shows That Exercise Boosts Health By Influencing Stem Cells To Become Bone, Not Fat

McMaster researchers have found one more reason to exercise: working out triggers influential stem cells to become bone instead of fat, improving overall health by boosting the body’s capacity to make blood. The body’s mesenchymal stem cells are most likely to become fat or bone, depending on which path they follow. The research appears in […]

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a middle aged man

Medicare And Medicaid Could Save $632 billion By 2050 If 50-year-Old Americans Were As Healthy As Europeans

Forty years ago, Americans could expect to live slightly longer than Europeans. This has since reversed: in spite of similar levels of economic development, Americans now live about a year-and-a-half less, on average, than their Western European counterparts, and also less than people in most other developed nations. How did Americans fall behind?

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Lindsay Till Hoyt

Positive Teenagers Become Healthier Adults

Teenagers are known for their angst-ridden ways, but those who remain happy and positive during the tumultuous teenage years report better general health when they are adults, according to a new Northwestern University study. Researchers also found that teens with high positive well-being had a reduced risk of engaging in unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, […]

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women exercising

Improving And Maintaining Health Factors May Lower The Risk Of Dementia

Improving and maintaining health factors not traditionally associated with dementia, such as denture fit, vision, and hearing, may lower a person’s risk for developing dementia, according to a new study published in the July 13, 2011, online issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. The lead study author was Kenneth Rockwood, […]

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