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Tag Archives | Biopsychosocial

Mayer and staff

UCLA Opens Expanded Center To Study Mind-Brain-Body Links In Chronic Medical Disorders

Investigators at UCLA’s Center for Neurobiology of Stress have been studying the links between the brain and digestive system in the development and treatment of common chronic digestive disorders in adults and children. Now, with the support of the Gerald Oppenheimer Family Foundation, the center will expand its activities to include research into brain-body interactions […]

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Researcher Florence Clark

Active Social, Spiritual And Physical Life Helps To Prevent Health Decline In Seniors

Small, healthy lifestyle changes and involvement in meaningful activities — going beyond just diet and exercise — are critical to healthy aging, according to a new USC study. Guided by lifestyle advisors, seniors participating in the study made small, sustainable changes in their routines (such as visiting a museum with a friend once a week) […]

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heart attack

Intense Fear Of Death During Heart Attack Leads To Increased Inflammation And Poorer Outcomes

Intense distress and fear of dying, which many people experience when suffering the symptoms of a heart attack, are not only fairly common emotional responses but are also linked to biological changes that occur during the event, according to new research published online today in the European Heart Journal [1]. These changes, in turn, are […]

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a group therapy session

Body-Mind-Spirit Group Psychotherapy May Improve Cortisol Regulation In Patients With Depression

In a study published in the current issue of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics the effects of psychotherapy on cortisol, the most important stress hormone, are examined. Psychotherapy added to pharmacotherapy results in greater improvement in clinical outcomes than does pharmacotherapy alone. However, few studies examined how psychotherapy coupled with pharmacotherapy could produce a long-term protective effect […]

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Researcher Esme Fuller-Thomson

Childhood Physical Abuse Linked To Somatic Syndromes, Such As Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Fibromyalgia

Childhood physical abuse is associated with significantly elevated rates of functional somatic syndromes such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and multiple chemical sensitivities among women, according to new findings by University of Toronto researchers. The research will be published in this month’s issue of the Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma.

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