Kaiser Permanente is a progressive not-for-profit health plan provider and one of the initial advocates of behavioral health integration into overall primary medical care. Newly published research* suggests that people who lose weight immediately following Type 2 Diabetes, “insulin resistance,” diagnosis realize improved health outcomes, such as reaching blood pressure and blood sugar goals. Another […]
Tag Archives | Behavioral Medicine

What Is Neurofeedback? Brainwave Therapy
What is neurofeedback? Neurofeedback, also as “neurotherapy” and “EEG biofeedback,” has been around since 1960’s. In short, neurofeedback teaches self-regulation of deviant brainwave activity. Media attention over the past few years increased due to interest from parents who seek drug free solutions for child behavior problems, especially attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Coherent Breathing And Mental/Physical Health (Part 1)
Breathing is something so simple and basic that people seldom give it any thought. The importance of proper breathing should not be underestimated. Believe it or not, your breathing style significantly impacts how you feel, think, and act. In fact, researchers* have identified 6 distinctive breathing styles. Today’s post will cover the “incoherent breathing style.” […]

What Is Health Psychology & Behavioral Medicine?
A personal friend asked a great question after I told him about The Behavioral Medicine Report: What is Behavioral Medicine? Behavioral Medicine and the related Health Psychology are sub-specialties in psychology.
Welcome to The Behavioral Medicine Report!
Welcome to The Behavioral Medicine Report. I want to take a moment in my first post to introduce myself and this website. My name is Christopher Fisher, M.A. I have master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Texas A&M-Corpus Christi, and I am currently a 4th year doctoral student in Clinical Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine […]
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