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Tag Archives | Antibiotics


Exposure Therapy For PTSD Is Enhanced With Common Antibiotic

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is among the most common, distressing, and disabling medical consequences of combat or other extremely stressful life events. The first-line treatment for PTSD is exposure therapy, a type of behavioral therapy where patients confront their fears in a safe environment. Although it is an effective treatment, many patients still experience symptoms […]

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Probiotics Provide A Mild Degree Of Protection Against Upper Respiratory Tract Infections, Including Common Cold

Taking probiotics seems to provide both children and adults with a mild degree of protection against many upper respiratory tract infections including the common cold, according to a new systematic review. People who consume probiotics are also less likely to end up taking antibiotics for an upper respiratory infection, the review found.

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a bowel of sugar

Sugar Boosters Could Lead To Cheap, Effective Treatments For Chronic Bacterial Infections

James Collins, a pioneering researcher in the new field of systems biology and a MacArthur Genius, says: “You know the old saying: ‘a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down?’ This is more like ‘a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine work.’ Dr. Collins, a professor of Biomedical Engineering at Boston University who is […]

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Limited English Proficiency Among Parents Of Pediatric Patients Associated With Increased Length Of Hospital Stay

Among children whose parents and other primary caregivers have limited English proficiency, there is an associated increased length of hospital stay and decreased number of home health care referrals for pediatric inpatients with infections requiring long-term antibiotics, according to a report in the May issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, one of the […]

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Researcher Michael Bailey

Stress Wrecks Intestinal Bacteria And Might Keep The Immune System On Idle

Stress not only sends the human immune system into overdrive – it can also wreak havoc on the trillions of bacteria that work and thrive inside our digestive system. New research suggests that this may be important because those bacteria play a significant role in triggering the innate immune system to stay slightly active, and […]

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a stressed man

Stress Affects The Balance Of Bacteria In The Gut And Immune Response

Stress can change the balance of bacteria that naturally live in the gut, according to research published this month in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. Exposure to stress led to changes in composition, diversity and number of gut microorganisms, according to scientists from The Ohio State University. The bacterial communities in the intestine became […]

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prescription medication bottle

Early Antibiotic Use Can Lead To An Increased Risk Of Childhood Asthma

When babies are given antibiotics, their risk of developing asthma by age 6 may increase by 50 percent. This relationship between antibiotic use in babies less than six months old and risk of developing asthma was documented in a study conducted by Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) researcher Kari Risnes. The publisher has […]

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