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Excellent Free Resource: NIMH Schizophrenia E-Booklet (Easy-to-Read Publication For Patients)

Patient_NIH_Schizophrenia_HandoutThe National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) continues their release of free evidence-based and easy-to-read book and video reviews of various mental health disorders that are suitable for patients, such as the “Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens – A Parent’s Guide” E-Booklet and Depression Awareness Video previously reviewed on this website. The latest 8-page full color booklet details the common signs, symptoms, and treatments of schizophrenia.

The Schizophrenia E-Booklet packs a a fairly comprehensive overview of schizophrenia into only 8 pages, and discusses important topics, such as the potential etiologies, susceptibility, co-morbid substance abuse, symptoms (positive, negative and cognitive), and medical and psychosocial treatments. There is also a section on how family and friends can help their loved one cope with schizophrenia.

View online or download the PDF version of the NIMH Schizophrenia e-booklet here.


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