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Tag Archives | Gender

Autistic Intellectual Disabilities Related To Parental Age, Education, And Ethnicity, But Not Income

New research from the University of Utah in collaboration with the Utah Department of Health (UDOH) shows that the presence or absence of intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) varies with risk factors such as gender, parental age, maternal ethnicity, and maternal level of education. The study, published Sept. 15, 2011, in Autism […]

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Researcher Julia Heiman

Couples Report Gender Differences In Relationship And Sexual Satisfaction Over Time

Cuddling and caressing are important ingredients for long-term relationship satisfaction, according to an international study that looks at relationship and sexual satisfaction throughout committed relationships, but contrary to stereotypes, tenderness was more important to the men than to the women. Included in this report is a link to download a free copy of the original […]

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a mother who is stressed out

Gender Differences In Depression Negatively Impact Empathic Accuracy

Depression erodes intimate relationships. A depressed person can be withdrawn, needy, or hostile—and give little back. But there is another way that depression isolates partners from each other. It chips away at the ability to perceive the others’ thoughts and feelings. It impairs what psychologists call “empathic accuracy” — and that can exacerbate alienation, depression, […]

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cup of coffee

Gender Differences In Physiological Responses To High Caffeine Consumption

Among the many differences between girls and boys, effects from caffeine, including physiological, behavioral, and subjective can be added to the list. Results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-response study of the response of youth to caffeine found that, in general, boys get a greater rush and more energy from caffeine than girls.

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