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Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality Helps Veterans With Alcohol Abuse Cope With Cravings

The spoils of war for returning veterans may include addictions, injury, and the constant images of horrific events they witnessed. Now a University of Houston joint study funded by the Veterans Health Administration Rehabilitation Research and Development service looks to address these issues through the use of virtual reality. Included in this report is a […]

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whilte laptop computer

Patients With Parkinson’s Disease May Benefit From Virtual-Reality-Based Therapies

In people with Parkinson’s Disease (PD), the inability to make quick movements limits basic functioning in daily life. Movement can be improved by various cueing techniques, such as providing visual or auditory stimuli when movements are started. In a study scheduled for publication in the August issue of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, […]

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laptop computer

Weight Loss In A 3D Virtual World Leads To Greater Gains In Behaviors Toward Healthier And Leaner Lives

Participants in two weight-loss programs — one involving traditional health club sessions and the other delivered online in a 3D virtual world — lost similar amounts of weight and body fat, but the online contingent reported significantly greater gains in behaviors that could help them live healthier and leaner lives. The study “Comparison of a […]

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soldier using VR

Virtual Reality Provides Returning Soldiers ‘Psychotherapy By Computer’ To Treat PTSD

For those soldiers worried about the stigma associated with seeing a therapist, virtual reality applications for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be the alternative to the traditional “talk therapy.” A new paper by Albert Rizzo from the University of Southern California, Institute for Creative Technologies, Los Angeles, and his team, reviews how […]

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jars of different scents used in the study

Virtual Reality Therapy That Includes Smells To Help Veterans Recover From PTSD

Virtual reality explosions, anti-American insults, and smells of smoke and foreign spices will be part of a new therapy program to help servicemen and women recover from their wartime experiences. Sounds such as explosions and gunfire have long been part of therapy programs for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). But smells have rarely been included even […]

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soldier using VR

Innovative Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy Shows Promise For Returning Troops With PTSD

An article published in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Traumatic Stress is one of the first to provide evidence of the effectiveness of exposure therapy with active duty military service members suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The study shows that virtual reality exposure therapy resulted in significant reductions in PTSD symptoms after […]

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This is the VR environment used in the experiment.  (Credit: Gorini et al., Annals of General Psychiatry)

Virtual Food Causes Stress In Patients Affected By Eating Disorders

Food presented in a virtual reality (VR) environment causes the same emotional responses as real food. Researchers writing in BioMed Central’s open access journal Annals of General Psychiatry compared the responses of people with anorexia and bulimia, and a control group, to the virtual and real-life snacks, suggesting that virtual food can be used for […]

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