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Tag Archives | Veterans

a close up of an face and eye

Reduced Recognition Of Fear And Sadness In Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Facial expressions convey strong cues for someone’s emotional state and the ability to interpret these cues is crucial in social interaction. This ability is known to be compromised in many psychiatric and neurological disorders, such as social anxiety or Korsakoff’s syndrome. New research has now revealed evidence that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is also characterized […]

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Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality Helps Veterans With Alcohol Abuse Cope With Cravings

The spoils of war for returning veterans may include addictions, injury, and the constant images of horrific events they witnessed. Now a University of Houston joint study funded by the Veterans Health Administration Rehabilitation Research and Development service looks to address these issues through the use of virtual reality. Included in this report is a […]

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Douglas J. Wiebe, PhD

Veterans Who Survive Suicide Attempt Have Heightened Mortality Risk Due To Future Suicide And Disease

A team of researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and colleagues found that veterans who are repeat suicide attempters suffer significantly greater mortality rates due to suicide compared to both military and civilian peers. The research was published this month in BMC Public Health. Check the end of this […]

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Douglas J. Wiebe, PhD

Veterans Who Survive Suicide Have Heightened Mortality Risk Due To Future Suicide And Disease

An estimated 18 American military veterans take their own lives every day – thousands each year – and those numbers are steadily increasing. Even after weathering the stresses of military life and the terrors of combat, these soldiers find themselves overwhelmed by the transition back into civilian life. Many have already survived one suicide attempt, […]

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soldier using VR

Virtual Reality Provides Returning Soldiers ‘Psychotherapy By Computer’ To Treat PTSD

For those soldiers worried about the stigma associated with seeing a therapist, virtual reality applications for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be the alternative to the traditional “talk therapy.” A new paper by Albert Rizzo from the University of Southern California, Institute for Creative Technologies, Los Angeles, and his team, reviews how […]

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