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Tag Archives | University

man with sleep problems

Sleep Boosts Classroom Learning Of College Students

Sleep can help college students retain and integrate new information to solve problems on a classroom exam, suggests a research abstract that will be presented Tuesday, June 14, in Minneapolis, Minn., at SLEEP 2011, the 25th Anniversary Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC (APSS). Results show that performance by university undergraduates on a […]

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Hookah Use Is Widespread Among College Students With Mistaken Safety Perception Of Safety

Despite a growing number of cities instituting smoking bans across the country, hookah bars are cropping up everywhere – from chic downtown cafes to locations near college campuses, where they’ve found a loyal customer base in young adults. A new study done by researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center sheds light on the increasingly […]

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Brain Scientists Offer Medical Educators 10 Tips To Improve Student Engagement In And Retention Of Material

Everyone would like MDs to have the best education – and to absorb what they are taught. The lead article in the April 4 issue of the journal Academic Medicine* connects research on how the brain learns to how to incorporate this understanding into real world education, particularly the education of doctors.

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petri dishes

Research Practices Must Change To Minimize Fraud And Deception

In 1998, a study linking the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine to autism in children appeared in a respected medical journal. For a decade, the study grabbed headlines worldwide. Worried parents rejected the life-saving vaccine for their children and those with autistic children agonized that they allowed an injection that caused the condition. But […]

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school math textbook

Higher Education Associated With Decrease In Negative Factors That Influence Health

It is known that education decreases the incidence of cardiovascular disease. New research published in BioMed Central’s open access journal BMC Public Health demonstrates that education is also correlated with lower blood pressure and a decrease in other factors which influence health such as alcohol, smoking, and weight gain. Check the end of this report […]

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a young man who is stressed

Universities Fail To Capitalize On Important Opportunities To Identify Students With Depression

One out of every four or five students who visits a university health center for a routine cold or sore throat turns out to be depressed, but most centers miss the opportunity to identify these students because they do not screen for depression, according to new Northwestern Medicine research. About 2 to 3 percent of […]

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