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Tag Archives | Therapy

a women in psychotherapy

Early Interventions For Schizophrenia Look Promising, But Hard Evidence Remains Inconclusive

Schizophrenia is a chronic illness that most often comes on in late adolescence or young adulthood and can devastate patients’ lives. Many physicians and researchers believe that early intervention can increase the chances for recovery, reduce recurrences and even prevent the warning signs of psychosis from progressing to the actual disease. Yet, a systematic review […]

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behavioral therapy with a patient

Frontline Workers’ Resistance To Evidence-Based Practice In Substance Abuse Treatment: Some Good Reasons

Over the past decade, prominent federal substance abuse agencies have put a great deal of effort toward ensuring that evidence-based practice (EBP) is being utilized in the treatment of addiction. This effort was galvanized by a 1998 report from the Institute of Medicine calling for improvements in healthcare, which included the implementation of practices proven […]

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music therapy with a child

Discovering The Healing Powers Of Music And Music Therapy

As Lori Gooding, University of Kentucky’s music therapy director, walks into Joshua Diven’s patient room at Kentucky Children’s Hospital (KCH), the 3-year-old’s face lights up. This is the second time that Gooding and Shane Swezey, a music therapy intern, have visited Diven in the past four days. Gooding has also worked with Joshua on previous […]

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neuron developed from stem cells

Stem Cells Therapy Holds Promise For People With Rapidly Progressing Multiple Sclerosis

A long term study reports about the effectiveness of replacing bone marrow, purposely destroyed by chemotherapy, with autologous (self) stem cell rescue for people with aggressive forms of multiple sclerosis (MS). The study is published in the March 22, 2011, print issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

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a women's reflection

Patients With Body Dysmorphic Disorder Often Recover, But It Often Takes Years

In the longest-term study so far to track people with body dysmorphic disorder, researchers at Brown University and Rhode Island Hospital found high rates of recovery, although recovery can take more than five years. Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a severe mental illness in which sufferers obsess over nonexistent or slight defects in their physical […]

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