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Tag Archives | Psychologist

U.S. Capitol

Medicare Physician Definition Bills Introduced In Both Chambers Of Congress

I am pleased to inform you that key allies in the Senate and House have introduced legislation to include psychologists in the Medicare “physician” definition. We are extremely grateful for the leadership of Senators Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), who sit on the Finance Committee and have sponsored S. 483, and Congresswoman Janice […]

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Alan Fisher, PhD

A Brief Historical Review Of The Current Debate Over The Title, “Psychologist,” With Suggestions For Compromise

This current article is a commentary (with an additional call for compromise) on recent articles by the Texas Psychological Association (TPA), “Texas Psychologists Under Attack” and National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), “NASP Argues Proposed Rule Change Does Not ‘Attack’ Psychologists”. I originally intended to post these thoughts in the comment sections of one or […]

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2004 Texas quarter

NASP Argues Proposed Rule Change Does Not “Attack” Psychologists

I am writing in response to a recent post, “Texas Psychologists Under Attack.” As President of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), I appreciate the opportunity provided by The Behavioral Medicine Report editor to correct misrepresentations in that post, which was a reprint of an e-mail sent to the members of the Texas Psychological […]

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a Texas quarter

Texas Psychologists Under Attack

David White, CAE, Executive Director of the Texas Psychological Association (TPA), released an urgent announcement to its members today. Mr. White explains that master’s level professionals in school psychology seek the use the legally protected title of “Psychologist,” which is reserved for those with a doctoral degree. This announcement includes brief background coverage of this […]

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a healthy, slim waste line

Psychologists Are At The Forefront Of Weight Management

Over the last few decades, the dramatic rise in pediatric obesity rates has emerged as a public health threat requiring urgent attention. The responsibility of identifying and treating eating and weight-related problems early in children and adolescents falls to health care providers and other professionals who work with the child, according to Professor Denise Wilfley […]

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