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Tag Archives | Mental Illness

Douglas J. Wiebe, PhD

Veterans Who Survive Suicide Attempt Have Heightened Mortality Risk Due To Future Suicide And Disease

A team of researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and colleagues found that veterans who are repeat suicide attempters suffer significantly greater mortality rates due to suicide compared to both military and civilian peers. The research was published this month in BMC Public Health. Check the end of this […]

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Alcohol and Cigar

New National Report Shows Differences In Types And Levels Of Substance Use And Mental Illness Problems

A new report providing state-by-state analyses of a wide range of behavioral health issues reveals that despite some wide variations among the states in the types and levels of problems they confront – every state must deal with these issues.  For example, among those aged 12 and older, Iowa had less than half the current […]

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a baby and parent holding hands

Abnormal Brain Ultrasounds In Premature Infants Indicate Future Risk Of Psychiatric Disorders

Infants born prematurely are at risk for injuries to the white and gray matter of the brain that affect cortical development and neural connectivity. Certain forms of these injuries can be detected in the neonatal period using ultrasound, according to Columbia University Medical Center researchers. Researchers who followed a group of premature infants until age […]

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women who is sick

The Long Term Medically Ill Display Resilience And Mental Well-Being

People who have a long term debilitating physical illness demonstrate mental resilience according to Understanding Society, the world’s largest longitudinal household study. The first findings reveal that people diagnosed with cancer, diabetes, respiratory or cardiovascular disease report similar mental health scores to those without physical illness.  The first book of these findings is published online […]

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Researcher Kim Anderson

Protective Factors Identified That Help Women Recover From Childhood Violence

Children who witness domestic violence are more likely to be in abusive intimate relationships and experience psychological problems such as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in adulthood, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A University of Missouri researcher has found that certain protective factors foster resilience and increase the likelihood that the […]

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Length Of Parental Military Deployment Associated With Children’s Mental Health Diagnoses

Children with a parent who was deployed in the U.S. military efforts Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) for longer periods were more likely than children whose parents did not deploy to receive a diagnosis of a mental health problem, according to a report published Online First today by Archives of Pediatrics […]

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Douglas J. Wiebe, PhD

Veterans Who Survive Suicide Have Heightened Mortality Risk Due To Future Suicide And Disease

An estimated 18 American military veterans take their own lives every day – thousands each year – and those numbers are steadily increasing. Even after weathering the stresses of military life and the terrors of combat, these soldiers find themselves overwhelmed by the transition back into civilian life. Many have already survived one suicide attempt, […]

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