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Tag Archives | Emotion

father and baby

Young Babies’ Brains Are Specially Attuned To Human Voices And Emotions

Young babies’ brains are already specially attuned to the sounds of human voices and emotions, according to a report published online on June 30 in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication. Three- to seven-month-old infants showed more activation in a part of the brain when they heard emotionally neutral human sounds, such as coughing, sneezing, […]

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judge's hammer

Drop The Case

Who are you prosecuting? The Practice Drop the case. Why? Lately I’ve been thinking about a kind of “case” that’s been running in my mind about someone in my extended family. The case is a combination of feeling hurt and mistreated, critique of the other person, irritation with others who haven’t supported me, views about […]

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Researcher Bridgid Finn, PhD

Negative Emotion May Enhance Memory

Picture a menacing drill sergeant, a gory slaughterhouse, a devastating scene of a natural disaster. Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have found that viewing such emotion-laden images immediately after taking a test actually enhances people’s retention of the tested material. The data the researchers gathered in recent studies are the first to show […]

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Researcher Melissa Pinto-Foltz, PhD, RN

‘In Our Own Voice’ Helps Teenagers Improve Mental Health Literacy And Combat Related Fears And Stigmas

When teens start experiencing changes in moods or emotions, they tend to fear sharing their blue days with their families and adults who can help them. As a consequence, they often suffer in silence. Case Western Reserve University KL2 Clinical Research Scholar and Instructor Melissa Pinto-Foltz from the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing wants […]

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mice exercising

Stress-Defeating Effects Of Exercise Traced To Emotional Brain Circuit

Evidence in both humans and animals points to emotional benefits from exercise, both physical and mental. Now, in recent experiments with mice, scientists have traced the stress-buffering effect of activity to a brain circuit known to be involved in emotional regulation as well as mood disorders and medication effects. The finding is a clue to […]

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Psychotherapy Based On Positive Emotion May Not Benefit People From All Cultures

Thinking happy thoughts, focusing on the good and downplaying the bad is believed to accelerate recovery from depression, bolster resilience during a crisis, and improve overall mental health. But a new study by University of Washington psychologists reveals that pursuing happiness may not be beneficial across all cultures. In a survey of college students, Asian […]

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