A random-assignment controlled study published today in Mind & Brain, The Journal of Psychiatry found improved brain functioning and decreased symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, in students practicing the Transcendental Meditation® (TM) technique. The paper, “ADHD, Brain Functioning, and Transcendental Meditation Practice,” is the second published study demonstrating Transcendental Meditation’s ability to help students with […]
Tag Archives | Electroencephalography
Researchers Investigate Neurocognitive Mechanisms That Underlie The Recognition Heuristic
Every day we have to make decisions that involve evaluating or choosing between options, often without much information to go on. So how we do it? How do we prevent analysis paralysis? Psychological theory suggests that we often rely on the recognition heuristic, choosing the option that we recognize over the one we do not. […]
New Electrophysiological Research Investigates Memory Repression And Forgetfulness
The assumption that we human beings can control and intentionally forget unwanted memories has been controversial ever since Freud asserted it at the beginning of the 20th century. Now, psychology researcher Gerd Thomas Waldhauser has shown in neuroimaging studies that Freud was correct in his assumptions: in the same way as we can control our […]
Meditation Creates Positive Changes In Brain Wave Activity After Limited Practice
In the late 1990s, Jane Anderson was working as a landscape architect. That meant she did not work much in the winter, and she struggled with seasonal affective disorder in the dreary Minnesota winter months. She decided to try meditation and noticed a change within a month. Her experience inspired a new study which will […]
Brain Rhythm (Gamma) Associated With Learning Also Linked To Running Speed
Rhythms in the brain that are associated with learning become stronger as the body moves faster, UCLA neurophysicists report in a new study. The study is published in PLoS ONE, a peer-reviewed online publication of the Public Library of Science. Check the end of this report for a link to download this open-access study.
New Insights Into And Treatment Options For Pre-School Children With Depression
Researchers are now discovering that children as young as 3 years of age can meet the clinical criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD). What is more, they demonstrate patterns of brain activation very similar to those seen in adults diagnosed with the disorder. Take for instance, Callie. From a distance, she appears to be a […]
A Potential EEG “Brain Wave” Test For Schizophrenia Risk
There is a significant need for objective tests that could improve clinical prediction of future psychosis. In this new study, the researchers followed a group of people clinically at high risk for developing psychosis. They found that the individuals who went on to develop schizophrenia had smaller MMN than the subgroup who did not. This […]
EEG Researchers Investigate Cortical Response To And Memory Of Touch
Neuroscientists of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin have now been able for the first time to document deliberate control of touch sensations in human working memory. It has been shown that the human brain can remember several touch sensations at the same time and consciously retrieve the touch if concentration is focused on these touches. […]
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