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Tag Archives | Depression


Science Daily Research News Update 5-11-09

An interesting few weeks of updates over at Science Daily. Examples of today’s highlighted research topics include that increased food intake (rather than reduced physical activity) is responsible for the obesity epidemic, narcolepsy is now an autoimmune disorder, warnings about pet therapy dogs, childhood obesity may be linked to allergies, Autism and new brain abnormalities […]

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NIH/NIMH Research News Update 4-10-09

I want to introduce a new topic to our readers. I regularly track several key websites who publish fairly constant news updates about important ongoing mental health scientific research. Due to this volume, key stories are significantly delayed or never written about here. Hence, I have created a new section entitled, “NIH/NIMH Research News Update” […]

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Smoking Increases Risk of Major Depression in Women

As if there were not already enough evidence and reasons to avoid tobacco products, a recent study* revealed that cigarette smoking increased the chance of Major Depression Disorder (MDD) in women.  Researchers compared cigarette use in 165 persons with MDD with over 800 persons without MDD in a case-controlled and retrospective design (uses accumulated data/records) […]

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Neuron Communication

What Is Neurofeedback? Brainwave Therapy

What is neurofeedback? Neurofeedback, also as “neurotherapy” and “EEG biofeedback,” has been around since 1960’s. In short, neurofeedback teaches self-regulation of deviant brainwave activity. Media attention over the past few years increased due to interest from parents who seek drug free solutions for child behavior problems, especially attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

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