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Tag Archives | Alcohol Abuse

cigarettes stacked on each other

Cigarette And Alcohol Use At Historic Low Among Teenagers

Cigarette and alcohol use by eighth, 10th and 12th-graders are at their lowest point since the Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey began polling teenagers in 1975, according to this year’s survey results. However, this positive news is tempered by a slowing rate of decline in teen smoking as well as continued high rates of abuse […]

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empty wine glasses

Children Of Adult Problematic Drinkers Consume More Alcohol In Stressful Situations

There is a greater risk that children of adult problem drinkers will consume more alcohol after stressful situations. This was revealed in research by Anna Söderpalm Gordh from the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. It has long been known that alcoholics’ children are 50% more likely to have a drink problem in […]

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Social Media Sites May Reveal Information About Problem Drinking Among College Students

Social media websites, such as Facebook and MySpace, may reveal information that could identify underage college students who may be at risk for problem drinking, according to a report published Online First by Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. The research was conducted by Megan A. Moreno, M.D., M.S.Ed., M.P.H., of […]

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Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality Helps Veterans With Alcohol Abuse Cope With Cravings

The spoils of war for returning veterans may include addictions, injury, and the constant images of horrific events they witnessed. Now a University of Houston joint study funded by the Veterans Health Administration Rehabilitation Research and Development service looks to address these issues through the use of virtual reality. Included in this report is a […]

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an anxious man

Complex Bi-Directional Interactions Between Stress And Alcohol Use Are Revealed

Acute stress is thought to precipitate alcohol drinking. Yet the ways that acute stress can increase alcohol consumption are unclear. A new study investigated whether different phases of response to an acute stressor can alter the subjective effects of alcohol. Findings indicate bi-directional relationships between alcohol and stress. Results will be published in the October […]

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Alcohol and Cigar

New National Report Shows Differences In Types And Levels Of Substance Use And Mental Illness Problems

A new report providing state-by-state analyses of a wide range of behavioral health issues reveals that despite some wide variations among the states in the types and levels of problems they confront – every state must deal with these issues.  For example, among those aged 12 and older, Iowa had less than half the current […]

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