The National Institutes of Health (NIH) News service recently announced in a press release* that approximately $60 million will be committed to future Autism research. Funds are being received through The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). The grants will be issued under the name, “Research to Address the Heterogeneity in Autism Spectrum Disorders,” to […]
Archive | Medical Science
Covers all aspects of the medical field with special emphasis on anatomical and physiological processes involved in physical health, diseases, and psychiatric disorders.
A Novel and Potentially Groundbreaking Viral Theory of Autism and Schizophrenia
Roulette William Smith, Ph.D. details a potentially ground breaking theory that purports to unravel the mystery surrounding the underlying causative factors of autism spectrum disorders, schizophrenia, and a host of other mental and physical illnesses in his paper entitled, “Inferring an Autovirulent Epigenetic Etiology for the Autism Spectrum and Schizophrenia*.” Dr. Smith’s theory originated from […]
Group Therapy Improves Survival in Women With Breast Cancer
In a long term follow up (median = 11 years) study, researchers* report that women with breast cancer who received group therapy (i.e., psychological treatment in a group format) versus those in an assessment only group (n = 227) experienced statistically significant improvements life expectancy 11 years after diagnosis. Group therapy consisted of 8-12 participants […]
Fluoxetine Does Not Reduce Repetitive Behaviors in Children with Autism
Autism Speaks and the Autism Clinical Trials Network report that a new low dose, melt-in-your-mouth version of Fluoxetine failed to reduce repetitive behaviors in children and adolescents diagnosed with Autism. Physicians’ clinical observations that Fluoxetine controlled these behaviors spurred this research. Fluoxetine is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that is commonly referred to as a […]
Book Review: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Postconcussion Syndrome (McCrea)
McCrea delivers a comprehensive, state of the art review of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and post-concussion syndrome (PCS) in about 200 pages. A succinct writing style characterizes “Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Postconcussion Syndrome: The New Evidence Base for Diagnosis and Treatment” cover to cover.
Mirjam Kouijzer Responds To Neurofeedback For Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Promising Results In A Small Sample
I am very pleased to provide the response of our first invited guest commentator, Mirjam Kouijzer, lead author of the research discussed in the recent BMED Report article, Neurofeedback For Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Promising Results In A Small Sample. The BMED Report extends a warm thanks to Mirjam Kouijzer and Hein van Schie for this […]
A One Year Follow Up of Neurofeedback For Autistic Spectrum Disorders
This current report extends the initial findings of “Neurofeedback For Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Promising Results In A Small Sample” to a 1 year follow-up of the same participants with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Recall from the initial study that participants with ASD experienced statistically meaningful improvements in a variety of executive functioning, social, and behavioral […]
Biofeedback Applications for Tension-Type Headache: Results of a Meta-Analysis
Nestoriuc, Rief, & Martin (2008)* conducted a meta-analysis of biofeedback applications for tension-type headache (TTH). A meta-analysis combines data from published studies that meet inclusion criteria to increase statistical power and the ability to detect a statistically meaningful treatment effect, often expressed as an “effect size.” The researchers provide an overview of TTH and report […]
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